Weekly Update

January 6, 2023

Dear SAU 90 Staff and Families,

Happy New Year!  I hope that everyone had a fantastic holiday and was able to find some time to connect with their families and friends in the spirit of the season by sharing good tidings, comfort, and joy.  

As you may be aware, our seacoast experienced a significant storm just before the holiday break.  Many homes near the coastline were impacted with flooding, power outages, damage to their residences, and vehicles.  In some rare cases, fire and medical problems resulted.  The high tides combined with the storm surge made for difficult conditions impacting many families in our town.  Special thanks to our emergency workers who were prepared and prepositioned at strategic sites around Hampton so they could respond in a timely manner.  Please remember if you need any assistance, please be sure to reach out to Emily Fixler, our District Social Worker.  She can be contacted at 603-926-2000, ext. 726 or 603-858-9810 (call or text) or through her school email, efixler@sau90.org.   

We recognize that family circumstances can change.  Should you need assistance with food or lunches, or if you have not completed a form from our food service program, we kindly ask that you please do so.  In addition to using these forms to support food insecurities, it is also used to support school funding including Title I.  Programs that do not have support are at risk of being eliminated due to federal funding. Your participation in completing these forms, helps us to secure this funding.  A copy of the form is attached here or can be completed electronically here.   Thank you in advance to everyone for doing their part in supporting our schools and completing these forms that help to benefit so many of our students and families.   

At this time, our schools are having our students participate in mid-term assessments.  At Marston School and Hampton Academy, students are participating in the winter STAR assessments in reading and math.  At Centre School, students will be participating in formative assessments that monitor their progress in math and literacy skills.  This information is used to guide instructional practices, groupings, and progress.  Should you have any questions about your child’s school day or program, please be sure to reach out to us.  

On Thursday, Mrs. Heath from Hampton Academy hosted a Culture Party.  Each student researched their background, country, and culture of their choosing or family’s heritage.  Additionally, they wrote about their countries, created displays and presentations, and brought in authentic, traditional foods that were shared with their classmates and guests. Pictures and videos should be available shortly on our networks. 

I had the opportunity to visit with our Centre School students this week.  Our “Littles” seemed full of joy and were happy to be back with their classmates and teachers.  There were many conversations about starting the new year, making resolutions, and setting goals.  I think Taylor Duvall says it best, “This year, be it structured enough for success and achievement and flexible enough for creativity and fun.”  

Approximately 200 students, staff, and parents from Marston School and Hampton Academy are headed to the slopes this afternoon.  We wish them well, as both programs resume after a two-year pause from COVID.  Remember to have fun and be safe!  Thank you to all of staff and chaperones for assisting with this endeavor.  We appreciate your support and could not do it without all of you. 

Cheers to 2023! 

Dr. Lois B. Costa

Superintendent of SAU 90

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