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How can I pay for lunch?
The fastest way to receive and pay for your lunch is to deposit money into your school meals account prior to service and have your ID card with you to scan at breakfast and lunchtime. Students are also allowed to give cash and to give deposits to the breakfast staff prior to school.
Now you can view student balances, and meal history and view low balance notifications for free all at My School What is My School Bucks? Click on the link below to access My School Bucks.
You can download the new app for your mobile device, iPhone, or Android, by searching for "My School Bucks" in the App Store.
Contact the food service staff, guidance counselors or our nurse if you:
Have any questions or concerns about the above information,
Would like a copy of the Free/Reduced breakfast/lunch forms, or
If you are wondering if your child is eating during breakfast and lunch.
After the application has been filled out, please contact Mary Borg, School Nutrition Program Director, at (603) 926-9826 regarding your child’s eligibility for free/reduced breakfast/lunch.
Frequently Asked Questions about our Meals Program
Can I eat breakfast at school?
Yes, everyone is welcome! Come and eat a healthy school breakfast.How much is breakfast?
Breakfast costs $2.00
For students eligible for reduced breakfast, the cost is $.00.
Students are eligible for free breakfast/lunch, and the cost is free.What’s for breakfast?
Two servings for meat/meat alternate,
OR 2 servings of grains/bread,
OR 1 serving of meat/meat alternate and grains/bread,
Plus ½ cup of juice, fruit, or Vegetable
Plus, an 8 oz. Milk
(Students may select all or at least 3 items above to be considered breakfast.)What kind of food do we serve?
Cereal, bagels, assorted breakfast bars, juice, and milk every day.
Other choices may include breakfast pizza, muffins, French toast, breakfast sandwiches, pancakes, and sausage on a stick, yogurt, fresh fruit, and Vegetables.When is breakfast?
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria or "Grab n Go."Join us!
Can I eat lunch at school?
Yes, everyone can eat lunch at school!
How much does lunch cost?
Lunch costs $ 3.50. Students eligible for reduced lunch cost $0.40For students eligible for free lunch, the cost is free.
What foods am I entitled to have for the lunch price?
2 oz. - 3 oz of meat/meat alternate,
½ cup of fruit and vegetable,
A serving of bread/bread alternate
Eight oz. of low-fat milk (Students can select all or at least 3 of these itemsWhat are the daily choices at the Centre?
Hot entrée, OR sandwich, OR 8-oz. yogurt
Two servings of vegetable and or fruit
Choice of milk –low-fat, chocolate, non-fat, and occasionally strawberrySecond Servings?
-A second serving of pizza on Wednesday is allowed when a written parent note is on file in the cafeteria office. The charge for this is $1.90 and may be paid at purchase or must be available in the student’s cash account.
We do not offer second servings of desserts, but students can have more fruit and vegetables if they have completed lunch and are still hungry.
-Extra 8 oz. kinds of milk are $.50.An extra slice of pizza $1.90