Title 1
What is Title I?
Title I is an annual federally funded grant program designed to provide services to educationally disadvantaged students who may benefit from additional supports and supplemental instruction. Funding allocation is based on the demographics of the district. This information is collected from the Census and the Free and Reduced lunch program of the district.
Title I funds are used to hire highly qualified teachers, tutors and to purchase evidenced based educational resources that will support students in reaching individual goals. The Title I program is a targeted program currently servicing both the Centre School and Marston Elementary School.
The purpose of supplemental instruction in reading and math is to provide students with added support in identified areas to deliver an additional boost. Supplemental instruction is meant to supplement regular classroom instruction and not supplant it. Students are identified for participation through the use of specific criteria. A key criterion is performance on Star testing, as well as other curriculum based measures and the classroom teacher's recommendation. Permission to serve students in Title I must be received from Parents/Guardian prior to a student receiving Title I supports.
Hampton’s Title I Program uses a 3- pronged approach to the improvement of student achievement: 1) supplemental instruction 2) parent and community outreach 3) sustainable staff development. All three of these targets are connected with the District’s Strategic Plan and mission “to provide an encouraging, educational environment where the unique talents and abilities of individual students are recognized and where the learning experience is meaningful and every student achieves mastery through a firm foundation in core fundamentals, higher level of thinking, problem-solving and critical/creative communication skills.”