Section A is a repository for statements related to the District's legal role in providing public education and the underlying principles on which the District operates. The policies in this section provide a setting for all of the School Board's other policies.
(We are in the process of reviewing and updating policies)
Code | Title |
School District Legal Status | |
The People and their School District | |
Volunteer Involvement | |
Staff Involvement in Decision Making | |
Student Involvement in Decision Making | |
Non-Discrimination | |
Non-Discrimination - Annual Notice | |
Non-Discrimination Grievance Procedures | |
Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedure | |
Title IX Prohibition of Sex Discrimination-Based Harassment | |
Commitment to Religious Neutrality | |
Procedural Safeguards - Non-discrimination on the Basis of Handicap / Disability | |
Food and Nutrition Services: Anti Discrimination and Civil Rights Complaints | |
Nursing Mothers Accommodation | |
Philosophy of the School District | |
Drug-free Workplace and Schools | |
Prohibitions Regarding Use and Possession of Tobacco Products, E-Cigarettes and E-Liquids in and on School Facilities and Grounds | |
Accountability | |
Accomplishment Reporting to the Public | |
Recognition for Accomplishment |
Section B contains policies on the school board - how it is appointed or elected; how it is organized; how it conducts meetings; and how the board operates. This section includes bylaws and policies establishing the board's internal operating procedures.
Code | Title |
School Board Self-Evaluation and Goal Setting | |
School Board Policies and Administrative Procedures | |
School Board Legal Status | |
School Board Powers and Duties | |
Board Member Authority | |
School Board Elections | |
Board Member Qualifications | |
Board Member or District Officer Resignation | |
Board Member Removal from Office | |
Unexpired Term Fulfillment | |
School Board Member Ethics | |
School Board Member Ethics Acknowledgement | |
Board Member Conflict of Interest | |
Board Organizational Meeting | |
Board Officers | |
Board-Superintendent Relationship | |
Committees and Delegates | |
Advisory Committees to the Board | |
School Attorney | |
Regular Board Meetings | |
School Board Meeting Preparation | |
Special Board Meetings | |
Non-public Sessions | |
Public Notifications of School Board Meetings | |
Agenda Preparation and Dissemination | |
Quorum | |
Rules of Order | |
Rules of Order | |
Minutes | |
Public Participation | |
Administration in Policy Absence | |
Board Policy Process | |
Policy Development System | |
Policy Adoption | |
Policy Review and Evaluation / Manual Accuracy Check | |
Policy Review of Administrative Regulations | |
Policy Dissemination | |
Suspension of Policies | |
Board-Employee Communications | |
Payment for Services Rendered by School District Officers | |
School Board Use of E-Mail | |
New Board Member Orientation | |
Board Member Development Opportunities | |
School Board Conferences, Conventions and Workshops | |
Board Member Indemnification | |
School Board Legislative Program | |
School Board Memberships | |
Liaison with School Board Associations | |
Section C contains policies on school management, administrative organization, and school building and department administration - including the administrative aspect of special programs and system-wide reforms such as school or site-based management. It also houses personnel policies on the superintendent, senior administrators (management team), and school Principals.
Code | Title |
Administration Goals | |
School Superintendent | |
Appointment of Superintendent | |
Superintendent Contract | |
Superintendent's Development Opportunities | |
Evaluation of the Superintendent | |
Line and Staff Regulations | |
School Building Administration | |
Individual School Administrative Personnel | |
Building Principal(s) Evaluation | |
Policy Implementation | |
Development of Regulations | |
Board Review of Regulations | |
Administration in Policy Absence | |
Treatment of Outside Reports | |
School District Annual Report |
Section D contains policies on school finances and management of funds. Policies on the financing of school construction and renovation however, are filed in Section F, Facilities and Development.
Code | Title |
Fiscal Management Plan | |
Administration of Federal Grant Funds | |
Annual Budget | |
Budget Preparation | |
Dissemination of Budget Recommendations | |
Budget Implementation | |
Transfer of Appropriation | |
Taxing and Borrowing Authority / Limitations | |
Funding Proposals and Applications | |
Revenues from Local Tax Sources | |
Investment | |
Gate Receipts and Admissions | |
Crowdfunding | |
Depository of Funds | |
Authorized Signatures | |
School District Credit & Procurement Cards | |
Bonded Employees | |
Fiscal Accounting and Reporting | |
Fund Balances | |
Fixed Assets (Inventories) | |
Audits | |
Fraud Prevention and Fiscal Management | |
Purchasing | |
Purchasing Procedures | |
Petty Cash Accounts | |
Cooperative Purchasing | |
Bidding Requirements | |
Local Purchasing | |
Vendor Relations | |
Sales Calls and Demonstrations | |
Payment Procedures | |
Payroll Procedures | |
Expense Reimbursements | |
Expense Reimbursements Guidelines/Forms | |
Cash in School Buildings | |
Equipment and Supplies Sales (School Properties Disposal Procedure) |
Section E contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on non-instructional services and programs, particularly those on business management such as safety, building and grounds management, office services, transportation, and food services.
Code | Title |
Safety Program | |
Hazardous Materials Disposal / Removal | |
Safety Procedures / Safe Schools Committee | |
First Aid (and Emergency Care) | |
Accident Reports | |
Indoor Air Quality | |
Crisis Prevention & Response | |
Crisis Prevention & Emergency Response Plans | |
Fire and All Hazard Drills | |
Bomb Threats | |
Emergency School & District Closings | |
Pandemic / Epidemic Emergencies | |
Chemical Safety and Chemical Hygiene Plan | |
Buildings and Grounds Management | |
Buildings and Grounds Security | |
Access to Buildings | |
Vandalism | |
Audio & Video Surveillance on School Buses | |
Energy Conservation | |
Educational Television Programming | |
Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials and Equipment | |
Employee Use of Electronic Communication Devices | |
Employee Use of Cellular Telephones (guidelines) | |
Student Transportation Services | |
Video & Audio Surveillance on School Property | |
School Bus Safety Program | |
Mandatory Drug & Alcohol Testing - Bus Drivers | |
Receipt & Use of Sex Offender Registry Info & Use of Sexual Pred. Not. Info. | |
Use of Private Vehicles to Transport Pupils | |
School Vehicle Use | |
Food Service Management | |
Availability and Distribution of Healthy Foods | |
Meal Charging | |
Vending Machines | |
Creation of Communication Plan | |
Copyright Compliance | |
Copyright Compliance (regulations) | |
Public Use of School Records | |
Computer Security, Email and Internet Connections | |
Data, Governance and Security | |
Electronic/Digital Records & Signatures | |
Data / Records Retention & Schedule | |
Local Records Retention Schedule | |
Risk Management | |
Liability Insurance and Pooled Risk Management | |
Insurance |
Section F contains policies and regulations on facility planning, financing, construction, and renovation.
Section G contains policies on all school employees except the superintendent (policies on the school chief are located in Section C, General Administration). The category is divided into three main divisions: GB has policies applying to all school employees or to general personnel matters; GC refers to instructional and administrative staff; and GO refers to support or classified staff.
Code | Title |
Personnel Policies Goals | |
Employment References and Verification | |
Background Investigation & Criminal Record Check | |
Board-Employee Communications | |
Employee Rights & Responsibilities | |
Staff Ethics | |
Violations of Staff Ethics | |
Mandatory Code of Conduct Reporting- all employees | |
Staff Conduct | |
Staff Dress Code | |
Employee-Student Relations | |
Employee Gifts & Solicitations | |
Employee Use of Social Networking Websites | |
Acceptable Use of Technological Systems | |
Drug-free Workplace / Drug-free Schools | |
Prohibition Regarding Use & Possession of In and On School Facilities and Grounds | |
School District Internet Access for Staff | |
Employee Protection | |
Staff Health | |
Medical Examination of School Employees - Form | |
Workers' Compensation Temp. Alt. Work Program | |
Staff Participation in Political Activities | |
Personnel Records | |
Health Insurance Portability - HIPPA | |
Staff Concerns Complaints and Grievances | |
Recommendation for Employment | |
Representation of the District in Court | |
Professional Staff Positions | |
Professional Staff Contracts | |
Military Leave | |
Professional Staff Visitations and Conferences | |
Family & Medical Leave Act | |
Professional Staff Recruiting | |
Professional Staff Hiring | |
Part-Time and Sub Professional Staff Employment | |
Professional Staff Orientation | |
Professional Staff Development Opportunities | |
Professional Activities of Teachers | |
Professional Staff Assignments & Transfers | |
Professional Staff Work Load | |
Supervision of Instructional Staff | |
Evaluation of Professional Staff | |
Professional Staff Promotion / Reclassification | |
Reduction in Instructional Staff Work Force | |
Exit Interview Form | |
Exit Interview Procedure | |
Resignation of Instructional Staff Member | |
Retirement of Professional Staff Members | |
Non-School Employment by Professional Staff Members | |
Professional Personnel Consulting | |
Tutoring for Pay | |
Employment of Non-Certified Personnel | |
Hiring of Non-Certified Personnel | |
Non-Certified Personnel Assignment & Reassignment | |
Non-Certified Staff Development Opportunities | |
Evaluation of Support Staff | |
Termination of Non-Certified Personnel |
Section I contains policies on the instructional program: basic curricular subjects, special programs,
instructional resources, and academic achievement.
Code | Title |
Academic Freedom | |
School Year and School Year Calendar | |
Instructional Approach | |
Instructional Needs of Students with Different Talents | |
Curriculum Development | |
Curriculum Adoption | |
Student Publications | |
Contest for Students | |
Interscholastic Athletics | |
Parental Objections to Specific Course Materials | |
Exceptions to Use of Specific Course Materials | |
Physical Education | |
World Languages | |
Character and Citizenship Education | |
Teaching about Religion | |
Health Education and Exemption from Instruction | |
Health & Sex Education Exemption: Opt-Out Form | |
Teaching about Alcohol, Drugs & Tobacco | |
Teaching about Self-Protection (Safety Information) | |
Programs for Pupils with Disabilities | |
Evaluation Requirements for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities | |
Special Education Evaluations | |
Programs for Gifted Pupils | |
Limited English Proficiency Instruction | |
Accommodation of Pregnancy & Related Medical Conditions | |
Home Education Instruction | |
Home Education/Dual Enrollment | |
Extended Learning Opportunities | |
MOU Extended Learning Opportunities | |
Summer Activities | |
Homebound Instruction | |
Class Size | |
Instructional Time - Schedule | |
Instructional Materials | |
Supplemental Materials Selection and Adoption | |
Library Materials Selection and Adoption | |
School, Family and Community Partnerships | |
Field Trips and Excursions | |
Volunteers | |
Earning of Credit | |
Grading Systems | |
Progress Reports to Parents | |
Changing Student Grades | |
Homework | |
Promotion and Retention of Students | |
Awards and Scholarships | |
Evaluation of Curricular Programs | |
Assessment of Educational Programs | |
Educational Questionnaires, Surveys and Research | |
Teachers Teaching Their Own Children | |
Daily Physical Activity | |
Distance Education | |
Alternative Credit Options | |
High School Credit for 7th and 8th Grade Advanced Coursework | |
Controversial Speakers and Programs | |
Patriotic Exercises | |
Animals in the School | |
Service Animals | |
Section J contains policies on students - admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities,
conduct, discipline, health and welfare, and school-related activities.
Code | Title |
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence | |
Change of School or Assignment | |
Compulsory Attendance Age | |
Age of Entrance | |
Manifest Educational Hardship | |
Enrollment | |
Residency | |
Technical Assistance Advisory - Residency | |
Admission of Resident Students | |
Admission of Tuition and Non-Resident Students | |
Foreign Exchange Students | |
Admission of Foreign Exchange Students | |
Admission of Homeless Students | |
Education of Children in Foster Care | |
Education of Military Children & Military Connected Students | |
Assignment of Students to Classes and Grade Levels | |
Attendance, Absenteeism and Truancy | |
Student Early Release Precautions | |
Student Rights and Responsibilities | |
Student Due Process Rights | |
Student Involvement in Decision-Making | |
Student Government | |
Student Conduct | |
Student Dress Code | |
Student Conduct on School Buses | |
Student Transportation Contract | |
Student Conduct on School Buses - Regulations | |
Student Discipline and Due Process | |
Safe School Zone -Memorandum of Understanding | |
Employee - Student Relations | |
Student Discipline/ Out of School Actions | |
Student Publications | |
Student Productions | |
Gang Activity | |
Hazing | |
Tobacco Products Ban, Use and Possession In and On School Facilities and Grounds | |
Drug and Alcohol Use by Students | |
Weapons on School Property | |
Unauthorized Communication Devices | |
Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention - Bullying | |
Pupil Safety Reporting Form | |
School District Internet Access for Students | |
Acceptable Internet Use Procedures - Students | |
Pregnant Students | |
Searches of Students | |
Use of Metal Detectors | |
Student Interviews and Interrogations | |
Student Protests, Demonstrations and Strikes | |
Student Activities & Organizations | |
Student Fund-raising Activities | |
Student Gifts and Solicitations | |
Student Activities Fund Management | |
Administering Student Activity Funds | |
Non-School Sponsored Contests for Students | |
Interscholastic Athletics | |
Eligibility for School Athletics and Extra-Curricular School Activities | |
Guidelines for Proper Sportsmanship | |
Access to Public School Programs by Nonpuplic Charter School and Home Educated Pupils | |
Corporal Punishment | |
Use of Restraints | |
Detention of Students | |
Modification of Expulsion | |
Student Insurance Program | |
Student Health Services | |
Screening of Students | |
Physical Examination of Students | |
Toilet Training and Diapering | |
Immunizations of Students | |
Management of Pediculosis | |
HIV / AIDS | |
Administering Medications to Students | |
Administering Medications to Students - Procedure / Form | |
Administering Medications to Students During a Field Trip | |
Emergency Care and First Aid | |
Use of Automated External Defibrillator(s) | |
Anaphylaxis Policy | |
Wellness Policy | |
School Wellness Implementation | |
Exclusion of Students from School for Illness or Injury | |
Return to School Following Long-term Illness / Injury / Surgery | |
Do Not Resuscitate Orders | |
Coordinated School Health Program | |
Concussions and Head Injuries | |
Emergency Plan for Sports Related Injuries and Additional Protocols for Athletics Participation | |
Special Physical Health Needs of Students | |
School Guidance and Counseling Program | |
Behavior Management and Intervention | |
Suicide Prevention Education | |
Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect | |
Reporting Child Abuse - Procedure / Form | |
Safety Program | |
Supervision of Students | |
Receipt and Use of Sex Offender Registry Information | |
Receipt and Use of Sex Offender Registry Information - Regulations | |
Parent Notification of and Involvement in Student Welfare | |
Student Awards | |
Student Fees, Fines, and Charges | |
Student Fees, Fines, and Charges - Form | |
Care of School Property by Students | |
Student Records and Access(FERPA) |
Section K contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on parent and community involvement in schools. Except for policies concerning
education agencies, statements on public sector relation with the School District are also located in this section.
Code | Title |
School, Community and Home Relations | |
Title I Parent Involvement in Education | |
Policy on Right-to-Know Law | |
Community Involvement in Decision Making | |
Public Gifts / Donations | |
School District Social Media Websites | |
New Media Relations / Releases | |
Posting of Community Notices | |
Website Publishing Policy | |
Use of Students in School Public Information Program | |
Public Complaints | |
Complaints about Curriculum or Instruction Material | |
Public Complaints about School Personnel, Employees, Students or Administration | |
Reconsideration of Instructional Materials | |
Reconsideration of Instructional Materials Form | |
Facilities or Services - Grievance Procedure (Sec. 504) | |
Use of School Buildings and Facilities | |
Community Use of School Facilities - Regulations / Form | |
Public Conduct on School Property / Assaults | |
Assaults - Procedure | |
Public Conduct on School Property - Athletic Events | |
Civility Policy | |
Use and Location of Automatic External Defibrillator(s) | |
Public Solicitations in the Schools | |
Advertising in the Schools | |
Visitors to the Schools | |
Administrative Procedure Parental Access to Classrooms | |
Legislative Representative | |
Relations with State and Local Health Departments | |
Relations with State and Local Welfare Departments | |
Relations with Police Authorities | |
Relations with Fire Department | |
Relations with State Government Authorities |
Section L contains policies, regulations, and exhibits on the School District’s relationship with other education agencies—including other school systems, regional or service Districts, private schools, colleges and universities, education research organizations, and state and national education agencies.